Continuing our look at previous WRC participants, we now chat to Jaymond from Sydney. Jay has a long history with ARMA and was once a driving force within ARMA pioneering…
Chasing a dream is difficult. Often you don’t reach the top of the mountain on your first try. This week we chat to 2 players who have previously been to…
Continuing our journey across the country, we now look at a player based out of NSW. Australia’s first Wednesday night friendlies Meijin, Seungwoo, more commonly known as Ani. Ani joined…
Continuing our series, we work our way across the various states, this time visiting South Australia where we have Daniel “warmestRain” Bell from Adelaide. Daniel has quite the history with…
Next up in our interview series is a player based out of Melbourne Victoria. Charles or better known in the community as “Kataru” joined ARMA in early 2023 and has…
The WRC 2025 Tokyo Qualification season is well underway. The first Australian to qualify was Trevor Yau who won the Australian Riichi Mahjong Open just last month. With 1 of…
The annual ARMA Team League fast approaches with a record 74 participants across a full roster of 16 teams. We are delighted to welcome back last year’s champions ‘Itchy Riichi…
It’s once again time for ARMA Team League! ARMA Team League is a team-based tournament inspired by M-League. Team up in teams of 3-5 players and battle in a 12…
2023 has been a great year for ARMA with the continuation of online club nights, ARMA Team League, qualifier and participation in IORMC, running our first All Stars Invitational and…
November has been shaping up to be a busy month here at ARMA. From demos at conventions to international tournaments there has been an event for just about everyone. Online…